Wednesday, August 25, 2010

High Tech--save the day

We had no free time, the Taiwanese design companies kept us crazy busy.
The clock was ticking and we nearly had no time to design, print and mail out our "save the day" invitation. So, we turned to the modern tech and social network to save our butt" FACEBOOK!!"

灣的設計公司真是名不虛傳,我們幾乎天天加班,日也操夜也操...轉眼之間,離婚禮時間已經不多啦! 大家紛紛詢問,"你們婚禮是要辦不辦?"我們的婚禮選在瑞典夏天, 很多人計畫要出城渡假, 我們一定要事先讓大家知道婚禮日期來賓才能把時間排開.
好拉,我們拖拖拉拉的最後一刻,印"save the day" 卡也來不及寄, 所以我們轉而求助現代網路科技, 用"臉書"[中文有點詭異..]來邀請大家!

I designed the simple save-the-day card and post on line for RSVP


Thank god most of our friends were computer nerds, it worked!
我們大部分的朋友都是網路重度使用者, 只能說,臉書真是太好用啦!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Why you are reading this..

When I started writing this blog I had a very practical reason---I needed to communicate with my wedding planner in Stockholm. That's why I started this blog and that's way you can find weird blog posts in the beginning.

I have to say: it is a totally bitch to try to have a wedding in a place is far far away from where you live!!

辦一個越洋婚禮對我來說, 除了麻煩, 還是麻煩!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The start of this story...

Our story is just like other people, we met at school, been through so many events together, found out nothing could break us apart at this point and we decided to get MARRIED!

Although this is a simple story, we still feel this is a miracle we find each other and everything works between us! The only complicated part is we come from very different countries. B is a Swedish spent most of his life in USA and I am a Taiwanese girl went to US for study. After our graduation, B proposed to me in Maui [Oh the big YES YES YES]

Then, before we start our story of marriage, the first question pop out: 

The obvious answer will be Los Angeles but we are not planning to fly all our family and childhood friends cross oceans to USA. No, we are not going to get us in deep trouble.

Then, Where? We think through all kinds of possibilities and find out that there is no way to avoid the trouble. So we decide we will have 3 wedding ceremonies:

1.Registry in Sweden before we relocate ourselves for job.
2.Wedding ceremony in Sweden
3.Return ceremony in Taiwan

Sounds great, isn't it?

這個故事跟這個世界大部份的愛情故事差不太多, 2個人在學校相遇,一起經歷過生命中的點點滴滴,發現似乎沒有甚麼事能將我們分開, 於是,我們決定, 應該是可以結婚吧?

故事簡單, 但,能發現彼此,還能自在的相處,還真不是一件簡單的事,算是奇蹟一樁!
在這看似一切簡單的狀態中, 還是有一件事是有一點點複雜的. b和我來自南轅北撤的兩個國家.

瘋狂快樂的求婚之旅後, 一個超大的問號宛如晴天霹靂出現:

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It is crazy time past so soon after our wedding a year ago.

I think it is about the time I start to put what happened during our wedding before I forget all the fun and pain details.......

For those people we love and who love us.

